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Two smiling people in conversation

Helping you to shine

If people are our passion. Our light. Then we’re here to help them shine.

To be their best. To rise to the challenges of our business and the world around it. Every day, every month, and all year round. Its about building a culture of high performance. Of pure commercial logic.  And owning it. Sharing it.  Because if our people are at their best, then so are we.

The brighter you shine, the further that light reaches.

And ultimately, that’s what we want the Bellrock experience to be. Want your experience to be. Always having the gloss and shine that means you can thrive. And that makes others take notice.

After all, our people are our greatest asset. So we want the world to see it. And for them to see it, too.

1,544 employees work at Bellrock.

75 is the number of sites we work on across the United Kingdom.

4,306 supply chain partners across the country help make our work possible.

A man in a call centre wearing a telephone headset

Our Responsibility

We want to make sure we make a positive impact here - on the communities where we work, and the wider world. And that means a corporate social responsibility that’s woven into everything we do. Setting the standard with national and local sustainability agendas, and only working with partners who share our vision. That’s the impact we want to leave behind. The influence we want to have.

To be the change, and the catalyst that drives it.